nothing spectacular, less than incredible….

Monday, October 30, 2006

I love waffles!

Can I just share with you for a moment, my love for waffles. They are so yummy! Pancakes are okay but they don't hold a fork to fluffy golden waffles. Mmmmmm. Hubby likes them made from scratch, no pancake mix in this kitchen, and I adore my Belgian waffle maker. here's a tasty photo that I took this yesterday morning. Yes, I am photographing a plate full of waffles... I admit I need help. lol

... and here are my girls painting their pumpkins. The selection over here isn't all that to scream about. Thankfully they didn't mind the smaller pumpkins though Becca had been looking forward to carving hers. I am thinking we'll do a costume practice run after school today - get the girls in their costumes and mess with hair. I always underestimate the amount of time it takes to get them ready and fed in time for treating.


Lindsay said...

Yummmy!!!! I came home from work tonight to find that the family had waffles and didn't save any for me, so I had cereal, whoop-de-do!