nothing spectacular, less than incredible….

Saturday, October 14, 2006

and the forecast is... sunny!

I know it's been a while since my last blog attempt. It's been requested of me to post more island photos. Particularly since the weather is getting cooler and wetter in areas. Well guess what, it's been pretty damp here too recently. Only, the sun still shines and it's still 70+ degrees, I don't know if I'll ever get used to this crazy island weather. Check out this photo that I took a few weeks ago on my camera phone in the parking lot of the grocery store. no kidding.
fonts used: GoodDog Cool, Parchment MF

meet Mali! The newest addition to our family. We had decided a few months ago that we're finally settled in one place long enough to get a kitty. We went down to the animal shelter, spent some time in the Cat House visiting all the kittens and this lovely 6 mos/old girl stole all our hearts! She's a total love, takes advantage of my lap every time I'm at the pc and her fave hiding spot.... behind my scrappy table of course! LOL

... and in closing, yet another photo from paradise. This is a recent layout I did with a fall theme. I love autumn... the chill in the air, the rich colors, spicy scents and holiday baking, family getting together, you name it. Being a California girl, I realize my vision of fall may differ from, say, the east coast. lol, but right now I'm missing these things because there's no changing of the leaves in my neighborhood. I don't know of any pumpkin patches or apple orchards on island. Sure I can light a Cinnamon Spice candle and bake yummy pies until I can take no more. LOL but it's just not the same. ah, listen to me whine. Just enjoy the layout will ya~


Yvonne said...
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Yvonne said...

Love your layout! Great photo too.