nothing spectacular, less than incredible….

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Somebody draw me a map will ya?! I've spent at least 6 hours trying to figure this blog template editing thing out and look - I was finally able to change text color. hahahahaha I'm pitiful. I am not even gonna think about adding a banner anytime soon. So ya'll just have to deal with my fugly blog. LMAO

and now... watch me pull a rabbit... no seriously, I'm just gonna play with adding an image to a post.

-- this is my sunshiney front yard. I wanted a photo with a little sunlight in it, not just another cloudless blue sky - sheesh, it's boring here in paradise. *wink*


Lindsay said...

Dude, I had a banner-less blog for MONTHS!!!! It was always on my list to do but I hate this html stuff! Get thee self to Shabby Princess and get you a pre-made banner. Then we can have the itty bitty tiny banners together!

Anonymous said...

OMG...this is awesome! Look at you with the slide of layouts already on the side! I'm going to go thank Lindsay for the Shabby princess tidbit! The top of my blog is pitiful! At least you have a title!